Monday, April 12, 2010

...the toughest thing I've ever done.

I've read that blogs are a great place to release a little bit of pressure and stress, I hope that's true. I've not updated my blog in about a week...I blame that on a mixture of not having much to say, not knowing what to say, and not knowing exactly how to put feelings into words.

The entire family has kept it together quite well over the past week until yesterday. Our church family brought my parents, Loni, and I in front of the church to pray for protection over us. It was one of the most powerful moments I've ever been witness to. Yesterday was also my son's 1st birthday, I'm very thankful that Uncle Sam didn't need me last week!

The Team was back at the office this morning for some last minute paperwork and packing. If you have never deployed for any period of time, you literally can't imagine what it's like to pack for an entire year. I'm the boy scout in my family...always packing way too much and never needing it, but I'm always prepared for the least expected events.

Tomorrow morning (less than 8 hours from now if anyone is counting) I'll be leaving with my Team for our mobilization site. We should be there for a couple of weeks and then we're off to A-stan, or Fafganstan to hear my 2 year old say it. She doesn't understand what's happening, she just says that she doesn't want me to go. I love the military and all that it stands for, but Uncle Sam never had to try and explain deployment to a curly-headed little two-year old who thinks he hung the moon.

That's all for now, I'll do my best to try and keep you all updated on our happenings. My only request is that those who read this will pray for our protection and for the protection and sanity of those we are leaving to take care of things at home. Tomorrow we'll all dry up the tears and put our focus on the mission at hand, but for tonight we're just going to hold our spouses and children and pray that this deployment goes by quickly.

1 comment:

  1.'ve got lots of prayers going up for you guys right now. We love you!!!
