Monday, July 19, 2010

Happy 7th Anniversary

Looking back to my childhood I can remember my parents having a framed cross-stitched picture in their bedroom just beside the door as you were walking out. I'm sure I never mentioned it to them and likely never drew attention to it, but I still think of it from time to time. As a child I can remember not really understanding it; as I aged it began to make a little more sense, while now it couldn't hold more truth. It read as follows...

"This day I did marry my best friend. The one I live with, laugh with, live for, love."

Seven years ago today I married my best friend...the one that I usually live with, always laugh with, live for and love endlessly. Were I given the opportunity to go back in time and have a "re-do" on my choices...that is one that I would leave alone. I'd marry Loni again 100 times over...maybe 100 x 100.

Looking at how long my parents have been married (37 years), our seven years truly pales in comparison. However, it seems odd looking back at all we've been through in those seven years. Two children, two deployments, new vehicles, new house, new jobs, travel, job changes...I guess those are all part of this crazy life!

In closing, God has blessed me with a wonderful and supportive spouse...I couldn't ask for anything more.

1 comment:

  1. This makes me happy, Todd! I think you and Loni are great together...I've told that Zeb many times. I am super fond of you both! Congratulations on 7 years!!!
